Welcome to Catamount Country Forums! We hope to share engaging and exciting discussions with all of you about Vermont Athletics!
Before you post, please read these rules and guidelines so that we can maintain a positive reputation for, these forums and the fans of Vermont athletics.
1) No insults, threats or disrespectful posting of any kind! We all want to pride ourselves as fans. Any posting of this nature will not be tolerated, and may result in a member being suspended or banned from Catamount Country Fourms. Use your good judgement to know what is and is not acceptable.
2) Absolutely NO SPAMMING! I don't think this needs much explanation. All spam threads will promptly be deleted.
3) Make sure you are posting in the proper forum. We would like to keep all related topics in their designated fourms.
4) Use the search function. Many topics have been covered, and we do not need any more than one thread discussing the same topic. Having five "Will Coppenrath Be Drafted?" threads can be annoying and tiresome for Administrators and Moderators to merge or move, only one is necessary.
5) Catamount Country and the postings and opinions expressed in Catamount Country message board are those of the specific user and not that of "Catamount Country" - "You Can't Stop Us" or the affiiated website ( is in no way affiliated with The University of Vermont or it's website
6) The most important rule of all: HAVE FUN! GO CATS GO!