I heard a rumor from a source in Vermont that there are plans in place to build a new soccer stadium up on campus behind Gutterson. It's where the intramural fields are, Archie Post Field I think is what it's currently called.
If this is the case then it is great news. We can all only hope that the new basketball and hockey arena is in the works.
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Yeah it's going to be right next to turf field where there is currently a practice field with a nice concessions stand between the two. There are also plans to build the outdoor track just beyond the turf field. Really cool stuff
Check out this picture of Creighton's Soccer StadiumThe roof not only protects from the elements, it reverberates crowd noise and makes it a more intimidating place to play)
Here's a better picture of Creighton's Stadium in downtown Omaha:
I think it'd be great for ALL Vermont sports to have a square field stadium like that. If they built it with 6,000 to 10,000 seats it could be the home for UVM soccer as well as State Football and Soccer championships. Perhaps the Vermont Voltage could even work out a deal similar to what the Lake Monsters have.